Parent Experiences
The TSS educational experience is enriched by the active involvement of our parent community.
These parents help faculty and administration embrace the school mission statement and help to coordinate the many special events held on and off of The Salisbury School campus. The structure of Parents & Friends is a selected President, VP for each division of the school, and each grade is represented by a parent representative. Responsibilities of a parent representative include: making contact and welcoming any new families that join their grade as well as attending the monthly P&F's meeting and reporting back to class parents. Communication via emails and phone calls by the representative is essential to the success of these school wide events.
Explore our Events Below
- Homecoming Festival
- Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheons
- Gala
- Grandparents' Day
- Global Awareness Day
Homecoming Festival
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheons
There are five luncheons during a school year that P&F sponsor for our wonderful faculty and staff. The Lower School luncheon is held in the fall, a Holiday luncheon in December, sponsored by the entire school, Upper School luncheon in February, Middle School luncheon in April, and End-of-Year luncheon in May, again sponsored by the entire school. We will ask for donations of food, depending on which division is sponsoring. Sometimes, we have the luncheons catered and may ask for monetary donations.
The Gala is our school’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Parent Representatives each create a Live Auction and Silent Auction item. The Live item will involve the children in the class, by creating or decorating the item. The Silent Auction item is usually a themed basket that the Parent Rep will put together with donations of items.
Grandparents' Day
Grandparent’s Day is held in the spring, the Wednesday before Easter break. We invite our grandparents and special friends to join us at school for a half-day of fun activities. Parents & Friends will help organize the refreshments for our guests. We will ask parents for donations of food for this event.
Global Awareness Day
Each year, our school travels to a different country to study its customs, food, and way of life. The culmination of this year long study, is Global Awareness Day. Usually held in the spring, we enjoy a day of activities, music, guest speakers, dance, and food all in the theme of the country we have been studying. P&F will help to decorate the classrooms and common areas, organize volunteers, and cook traditional food for the giant feast in the Upper School. Many parent volunteers will be needed as well as donations of food and/or money to support this exciting day at TSS.
Please realize that all donations are completely voluntary and not in anyway required.
Before & After Care
The Before-School Program and the After-School Stay and Play Program is designed to be a service for The Salisbury School families whose parents’ work schedules make childcare a major concern.
There are different options available to suit individual needs. If you plan to enroll in any aspect of the program, please review the options, complete the appropriate form under DOWNLOADS, and return it before the end of the school year. Since we can only accommodate a specific number of students on any given day (as required by State law), first preference is to families who require five days. Slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.
Program Information
- Special Situations Information
- Billing Information
- Pre-K Options for Stay and Play Program
- Kindergarten - 4th Grade After-School Program
- Homework Help After-School Program
Special Situations Information
When school closes for special events or due to inclement weather, no before-school services will be offered. Additionally, there will be no before-school services when the school has a delayed opening.
If you have any questions, please contact the Business Office at 410-742-4464 ext. 118 or email
When school closes for special events, no after school services will be offered; however, Dragon Care may be available for children ages 4 and older. Please contact 410-742-4464 ext. 109 to check availability.
In addition, there will be no After-School Program when school closes early due to snow.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Bateman, Director of the After-School Stay and Play Program at 410-742-4464 ext. 109 or email
Billing Information
$400 per year OR $50 per month (depending on option chosen)
Monthly option: $50 monthly – to be billed per each calendar month service is used
Yearly option: $400 yearly – to be billed in two payments of $200 on Oct. 1st and Jan. 1st in the current school year
Children must NOT be dropped off before 7:30 A.M.
You will be billed 50% of the program cost in October with the remainder due in January. Days selected will be the commitment for the entire year.
(*The exception to this is if Stay and Play Option 1 is elected and your tuition payment is Plan B. Please see the note at the end of Pre-K Option 1).
Pre-K Options for Stay and Play Program
The afternoon is an extension of the morning in tone and feel, but the scope is more play and enrichment based, rather than academic. Children supply their own lunch or order the school lunch and afternoon snack is provided. There is a one hour rest period (as required by the state). Parents must furnish a crib sheet and blanket which is sent home on Fridays for laundering. Pre-K children will remain in the same classroom with their teachers.
Monday-Friday - 5 days | $2,100 per year |
Mon./Wed./Fri. - 3 days | $1,420 per year |
Tues./Thurs. - 2 days | $910 per year |
*(Please note: If you have selected Plan B for your tuition payment plan, this Stay and Play amount will be incorporated into those 10 payments for Plan B).
This program is a continuation of the 3 & 4 year old program, as well as an After-School Program for children in grades K-4. The older children join the Pre-K children in the Primary classrooms. There will be time for outdoor play, science activities, arts and crafts, and social interaction. Fridays are popcorn and a movie day!
Monday-Friday - 5 days | $3,180 per year |
Mon./Wed./Fri. - 3 days | $1,860 per year |
Tues./Thurs. - 2 days | $1,260 per year |
Kindergarten - 4th Grade After-School Program
This program is designed for families unable to pick up their K–4 children at 3:00 P.M. dismissal. These older students will join the Pre-K children in the Primary classrooms. The children enjoy outdoor play, science activities on Wednesdays, arts and craft projects, and social interaction. Children will have time to do their homework and will have a snack provided for them. Fridays are popcorn and a movie day!
Monday-Friday - 5 days | $1,580 per year |
Mon./Wed./Fri. - 3 days | $1,100 per year |
Tues./Thurs. - 2 days | $740 per year |
Homework Help After-School Program
The Homework Help Program is a service for TSS families whose work schedules make childcare a major concern. Homework Help consists of both quiet study time, where students work on their homework, in addition to allotted time for them to talk amongst themselves, go outside and/or access Chromebooks, until they leave for the day.
This Program is designed for families who are unable to pick up 5th Grade and Middle School children at 3:00 P.M. dismissal. The cost to attend Homework Help is $15 per day (from 4:30 P.M.- 5:30 P.M.). If your child is picked up prior to 4:30 P.M., there will be no charge for Homework Help for that day.
Bus Transportation
The bus registration forms, along with a Bus Wavier and Medical Release for each individual student are now available in the Enrollment Parent Portal.