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50th anniversary gala

Our TSS community comes together several times throughout the year to raise funds in support of experiential learning, and our enriched curriculum.  It is important that our students grow into global citizens who respect and are responsible for themselves, others, and their community.

The Gala & Auction

The Salisbury School Gala & Auction is the school’s signature fundraising event. High energy and great fun, the Gala brings together current and past TSS families and friends to celebrate and support our school each November.

All-School Musical

Students from Kindergarten to 12th grade audition to participate in the spring all-school musical production. As the students rehearse together, they make lasting friendships across the divisions. Join us to be both delighted and amazed with the polished final production.

Global Awareness Day

Global Awareness Day is the most cherished and anticipated experiential day of the school year. Students across all divisions delve into an extensive study of a different country each year. The study culminates with a schoolwide transformation complete with a day of culture that includes a meal indicative of the country.